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Advanced Webhooks in Userback
Daniel Rae avatar
Written by Daniel Rae
Updated over a week ago

Userback's Webhook feature allows you to send notifications whenever feedback is created or updated. This allows you to build integrations on top of Userback. Setting up a Webhook is simple, you'll only need to provide the URL of your Webhook server.

Webhooks are only available for users on our Premium plan. To use this feature, upgrade your plan or contact the Userback team to learn more.

For more detailed information. check out the Userback Developer Docs. This includes detailed information about webhook payloads and examples for each event.

Enabling Webhooks in Userback

To activate webhooks in Userback, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Userback account, open your Project, and click Connect

  2. Find Webhooks and click Connect

  3. Enter the URL for the webhook to send the data to. This should be the endpoint where you'd like to receive the webhook data.

  4. Choose the specific events for which you wish to receive notifications. A list of events can be found below.

  5. Click on "Save" to create the webhook.

  6. Test your webhook by clicking on the "Test" button which will send a test payload.

  7. Check your endpoint for the test payload and confirm setup was successful, Userback will send notifications to the specified URL for the selected events.

Webhook Events

  • Feedback Create: Triggered when new feedback is created, the payload includes information such as feedback type, date, project, URL, email, name, location, priority, category, rating, vote, dpi, color depth, title, description, browser, window size, screen resolution, video, screenshot, attachment, comments, custom data, user data, and console logs.

  • Feedback Assign: Triggered when feedback is assigned to someone, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, from (previous assignee), and to (current assignee).

  • Feedback Status Change: Triggered when the status of a feedback is changed, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, from (previous status), and to (current status).

  • Feedback Priority Change: Triggered when the priority of feedback is changed, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, from (previous priority), and to (current priority).

  • Feedback Vote: Triggered when a feedback vote is changed, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, from (previous vote), and to (current vote).

  • Feedback Delete: Triggered when feedback is deleted, the payload includes information such as feedback ID and any other relevant data associated with the deleted feedback.

  • Feedback Comment Create: Triggered when a new comment is added to feedback, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, comment details, and author information.

  • Feedback Comment Status Change: Triggered when the status of a comment on a feedback is changed, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, comment ID, from (previous status) and to (current status).

  • Feedback Comment Edit: Triggered when a comment on a feedback is edited, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, comment ID, and the updated comment details.

  • Feedback Comment Delete: Triggered when a comment on a feedback is deleted, the payload includes information such as feedback ID, comment ID, and any other relevant data associated with the deleted comment.

Available on Scale & Premium Plans

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