Add feedback manually

At times, feedback can come from sources beyond the digital sphere, such as phone calls, emails, or face-to-face interactions.  Userback ensures that no valuable feedback slips through the cracks and that all your feedback is consolidated in one space.

How to Manually Add Feedback: 

To add feedback manually, follow these simple steps.

  1. Click the + button on the top right corner of your project page.
  2. Fill in the Feedback form, include concise yet informative information that clearly depicts the issue, attach a screenshot, and set category and assignee if required.
  3. Expand the Session Info to add in the reporter's details. 
  4. Click the Create button to save and submit the feedback. 

For a detailed guide on Best Practices for Bug Reporting, check out this article and share it with your team: Best Practice for Optimizing your Team's Bug Reporting Workflow


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell the difference between manually added feedback and feedback from the widget?

Once feedback is submitted you can see the source of the feedback from the session information section of the feedback sidebar. 

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