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Jon avatar
Written by Jon
Updated over a week ago

Inbox is your notification center for Userback. Your inbox displays updates to projects you're a member of, and feedback that you collaborate on or that are assigned to you within your account. You can control which projects you receive inbox notifications for through notification settings.

To access Inbox:

Click Inbox from the left menu. The notifications for your account will appear as a list and the most recent will be first.

Main Inbox actions:

When you click on your notification from the left menu, you have the option to:
Filter display options

Change Inbox notification settings

Delete notifications

Mark as read, delete and snooze individual notifications

Working in Inbox

Inbox is a way for you to stay on top of feedback activity across your projects in your account.

With Inbox, you'll have all the same great functionality that individual feedback views have in your projects.

You can use the inbox as your primary workspace for collaborating on tasks between reporters and users by:

  • Replying to the feedback and adding comments

  • Assigning the feedback

  • Changing the status

  • Sending feedback to 3rd party tools

  • Setting a due date

You'll have access to all of the feedback context with each notification including session replays, browser information including any console logs and user details.

Notifications do not need to be deleted immediately, you can opt to snooze a notification or leave it in your inbox to follow the updates. Keep in mind that if you delete a notification, if there is an update to that feedback, it will always be added back to your inbox with a note on the latest changes.

New notifications will be received when

  • New feedback is received that is not assigned

  • New feedback that is received that is assigned to you by automation

  • A feedback is assigned to you

  • The feedback type has been changed

  • Feedback that has been snoozed is now unsnoozed

  • A feedback assigned to you is approaching its due date

  • A feedback assigned to you has passed its due date

  • A feedback assigned to you has its due date changed

  • A feedback you are collaborating on has new comments posted to it

  • A feedback you are collaborating on has its status changed

  • A feedback you are collaborating on is merged with another task

  • You are @mentioned in the feedback

Deleting notifications

When you're finished with a notification you can simply delete the notification. This will not delete the feedback, only the notification. Keep in mind, notifications are dynamic and the most recent change to a feedback will always show on top of the list. You may have multiple notifications for the same feedback.

To delete a notification, hover it and click Delete

To delete all read notifications, click the menu and select Delete all read notifications

To delete all unread notifications, click the menu and select Delete all unread notifications

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