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JavaScript SDK
Daniel Rae avatar
Written by Daniel Rae
Updated over a week ago

Are you looking to optimize your feedback collection process? The Userback JavaScript SDK is a powerful tool that can help you do just that. With the ability to customize and automate the feedback experience, you can gather feedback more efficiently and accurately than ever before.
Optimize your user journey by pre-filling fields, adding custom data, and setting dynamic widget options, you can create a feedback journey that's perfectly suited to your users.
Here's some examples of what you can do with the JavaScript SDK:

  • πŸ” User Identification: Streamline the feedback collection process on your website or app by automatically identifying users and adding their relevant details to feedback.

  • πŸ‘† Open Userback with a Button or Link: Allow users to easily provide feedback with a button or link that triggers the Userback feedback widget.

  • ✍️ Prefill fields: Save users time by prefilling specific fields in the Userback feedback forms like title, name, and email.

  • 🌐 Dynamic Language: Enhance the user experience for people from all over the world by switching the language of the feedback widget on the fly.

  • πŸ“• Attach Custom Data: Gain more insights into user feedback by attaching custom data, like product version, user agent, or app related data.

How to Get Started:

To begin using the Userback JavaScript SDK, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Userback Widget: To install the Userback widget, check out our Installation Guide where you can find instructions for the best installation method for you.

  2. Hide the Userback Button (Optional): Once the widget is installed, go to Widget Settings and select "Do not show the widget" to hide the Feedback Button.

  3. Check out the available Methods, Options, and Examples: To make the most out of Userback, it's essential to understand the available methods and options, we've created examples and snippets you can use to help you get started.

Visit our Developer Docs here for detailed information, code examples, and developer resources related to using the JavaScript SDK.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the Methods and Options available to use?

A: Use methods like init(), show(), hide(), open(), close(), and destroy() to control the widget's display. Customize feedback by using options like email, name, categories, priority, custom_data, setData(), and widget_settings. Visit our Developer Docs here for more detailed definitions and examples.

Q: Where can I find more technical information?

A: You can find more technical information on using the JavaScript SDK in the Userback Developer Docs which includes helpful definitions and advanced code examples.

Q: Where can I find support or ask questions related to the JavaScript SDK?

A: If you have any questions, need assistance, or want to explore specific use cases, we are happy to help. Contact Support.

Available on Company and Premium Plans

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