Troubleshooting: Why is my feedback submitted by Someone or

Userback allows you to track users and identify visitors in your application or website. The user tracking code is built into the code that you use to display Surveys and feedback widgets on your app or website.

This code typically looks like this:
window.Userback = window.Userback || {};
Userback.access_token = 'A-ACCESSCODE';
// identify your logged-in users (optional)
Userback.user_data = {
id: "123456", // example data
info: {
name: "someone", // example data
email: "" // example data
(function(d) {
var s = d.createElement('script');s.async = true;
s.src = '';
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
You'll notice that in the middle, the User Data code has some example data. 

Our recommendation is to update this to reflect your own user data requirements or simply remove this code:

// identify your logged-in users (optional)
Userback.user_data = {
id: "123456", // example data
info: {
name: "someone", // example data
email: "" // example data
Learn more about User Identification: User Identification with the JavaScript SDK and User Identification