How to review and approve designs with your clients

Arguably the most important step in the design process after finalizing your last version is gaining the client's approval. Generally, the process for collecting feedback on a design is:

  1. Upload design

  2. Request feedback

  3. Upload a new version with the changes completed

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the design is ready for approval

  5. Request approval


Adding new versions and getting approval on a design is easy with Userback's designs feature.

Uploading new design versions

To upload a new design version:

  1. Open the design and click the + button on the bottom left corner of the feedback viewer.
  2. Select the new version of your design and upload it to Userback.
You can easily toggle between versions using the dropdown menu on the bottom left.
Toggle Versions

Requesting approval on designs

Once a design is ready for approval, click the share button and select the Request Approval tab. Users from within your Userback account can be selected to be approvers of designs. This includes all user types from Admin, Collaborators and Clients.

Share Design


After requesting approval, the design will enter a pending state, identified by the badge on the design.

Version Pending Approval


Approving designs

When the user or client you have selected to approve the design logs in and views the design, they will see an approve button on the bottom left. To approve the design, they simply click the approve button.

Approving Designs

Approved designs are represented by an approved badge on the feedback menu and within the design.

Approved Design


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