Native Screenshot in Userback offers an advanced alternative for capturing visual feedback, particularly useful in complex technological landscapes or in projects with restrictions on third-party access to resources or pages.
By leveraging the browser's built-in Screen Capture API, this method provides a straightforward way for users to capture a screen, browser window, or window tab.
How to Enable Native Screenshot?
To activate this feature, include one of the following code snippets either in your existing widget code or as a separate snippet on the pages where you'd like this feature to be active.
Userback.native_screenshot = true;
Userback.init('widget_access_token', {
native_screenshot: true
Caveats to Native Screenshot
Browser Permission Prompt: When a user attempts to capture a screenshot, they may encounter a browser-level permission prompt, this is out of Userback's control.
Mobile Limitations: Native Screenshot is not supported on mobile devices. Server-side rendering will be used instead.
Lack of Control: Since this method leverages browser technology, certain features or customizations available in the standard Userback Screenshot Engine may not be possible here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why am I seeing a browser permission prompt?
A: This is a browser-level security feature to protect user privacy. It's not something that can be controlled by Userback.
Q: Is it compatible with other Userback features?
A: Yes, Native Screenshots work well alongside our other features, keeping in mind the aforementioned limitations.