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How to manage feedback
Rebecca Henrique avatar
Written by Rebecca Henrique
Updated over a week ago

Managing feedback is important because it helps individuals and organizations to improve their performance, by identifying areas where they are doing well and areas where they need to make changes. Userback enables you to capture feedback directly at its source and collect it in one simple location. Increase employee engagement and motivation, higher productivity, and better business outcomes.

Viewing Feedback

Userback offers four distinct view options to assist in displaying feedback in a manner that aligns with your specific workflow and use case.

Inbox View

List View

Grid View

Board View

Additionally, the List, Grid, and Board View options offer a convenient Feedback Sidebar, providing easy access to your valuable feedback information.

Customize Workflow

Within the project settings, you can also add new workflows by clicking the "+ Add status" button. This feature is particularly useful for adapting the Userback workflow to match your task management process from other systems. You are also able to change the names and colors of statuses and the positioning within your workflow.

πŸ“˜Note - The Open and Resolved statuses are default workflows for open and resolved feedback. While it is possible to rename these workflows, their position within the workflow cannot be modified.

Customize Automation

Within the Project Settings, you have to ability to automate and streamline your workflow by automating Default Assignees, configuring Reporter notifications, and reopening feedback after the reporter responds.

These features allow your team to respond promptly to feedback and keep your reporters informed about the progress of their requests. This can help foster a sense of teamwork with your customers and leave them feeling heard and valued.

To learn more, check out our Article on Reporter Notification.

Search Feedback

The search tool is a great way to easily find feedback that you're looking for. This is particularly helpful when you have lots of feedback in your account as you can easily search by Status, Type, Assignee, Priority, Category, Date Range, Rating, Reporter, Source, Page URL, Portal Visibility (if Feedback Portal is Active), Vote Count (if Feedback Portal is Active) and additional User properties filters will be available when sending user data to Userback.

Merging Feedback

If you need to merge feedback items in Userback, you can use the Merge Feedback feature. This allows you to select and merge multiple feedback items together, eliminating duplicates and simplifying the management of related feedback. Merging feedback items combines the status, assignee, type, and vote count of the Primary feedback item, resulting in a more accurate representation of an idea or issue's overall popularity.

To learn more, check out our article on Merging Feedback.

Managing Tasks

Userback has plenty of options to help you keep track of the tasks connected to your feedback. In the Feedback Viewer and Feedback Sidebar, you can change the Assignee, Status, Type, Priority, and Category for each feedback item, and even send it to a connected integration.

From here you can also access the comment thread to your internal team or to your users providing feedback. Learn more about our comment section here.

πŸ’‘Tip - If an external reporter responds to a feedback that has been marked as "Resolved," you can automatically reopen the Feedback with the Automation Settings. Note that this only applies to external users and not to users of the Userback platform.

See our Article Reporter Notifications for more information.

Bulk Actions

The Feedback page also has bulk actions that let you change the details of multiple feedback items at once. It's a real time-saver! To use it, just select the feedback items you want to update and pick a bulk action from the top of the screen. You can send it to an integration, change the Status, Assignee, Priority, Category, Merge feedback, or even delete it.

πŸ“˜Note - Bulk Action is not available in Board View.

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