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Inviting and Managing Users
Rebecca Henrique avatar
Written by Rebecca Henrique
Updated over a week ago

Inviting your team to Userback will enable you to manage your feedback more effectively by assigning and tracking its progress through custom workflows, managing access to projects, and assigning user roles to limit access to certain features.

The Userback Widget and Browser Extension allow anyone to contribute feedback without needing an account. Users can also interact via a dedicated page or email.

How to Invite Users and Team Members

  1. Navigate to the 'Members' tab.

  2. Invite: Click the '+Invite Member' button.

  3. Fill Details: Input the email address, assign role, and specify project access.

  4. Send: Click 'Send Invitation'. The invitation is valid for 72 hours.

How to Disable Users

  1. Navigate to the 'Members' tab.

  2. Locate the 'Member' and choose 'Deactivate' in the menu beside the user's name.

  3. Confirm deactivation.

How to Remove or Delete Users

How to permanently remove a user from the workspace. It's important to note that if a user wishes to delete their own profile, they can do so after being removed.

  1. Navigate to the 'Members' tab.

  2. Select 'Remove from workspace' from the ellipsis menu beside the user's name.

  3. Confirm removal.

Setting "Internal Comments Only" Access

  1. Go to the Project Overview page, under 'Members' select 'Invite'.

  2. Find a user in the list who you'd like to restrict to internal comments only

  3. Select the "Internal Comments Only" option below their name and save changes.

User Roles

Here's a brief overview of User Roles in Userback. For more control over User Access Levels, reach out to the Userback Team.

Role: Account Owner

The Account Owner role has full access to the account, the owner will also be listed as an Administrator and there can only be one Account Owner per account.

  • Delete Account

  • Add and Manage Users and their notifications

  • Create, Copy, Archive, and Delete Projects

  • Edit and Manage General Project Settings, Workflows, Automation, Integrations, and Privacy Settings

  • Edit and Manage Portal Settings

  • Edit and Manage Widget Settings

  • Edit and Manage Billing, including changing subscription level and access to view and download invoices

  • Edit and Manage General Workspace Settings, Branding, and Connected Apps

  • Create and manage Extension Keys and API Tokens

  • Manually add Feedback

  • View, Edit, Manage, Share, Delete, and Resolve Feedback

  • View, Add, Edit, Delete, and Resolve Comments

  • View Meta Data, Session Information, and Activity Log

  • Manage Personal Notifications

  • Access to Board, List, Grid, and Inbox Views

  • Access to all Projects within the Workspace

  • Can Assign and be Assigned Feedback

Role: Administrator

Administrators have the same access as an Account Owner with the exception of being able to delete the Account, this is held only by the Account Owner.

  • Add and Manage Users and their notifications

  • Create, Copy, Archive, and Delete Projects

  • Edit and Manage General Project Settings, Workflows, Automations, Integrations, and Privacy Settings

  • Edit and Manage Portal Settings

  • Edit and Manage Widget Settings

  • Edit and Manage Billing, including changing subscription level and access to view and download invoices

  • Edit and Manage General Workspace Settings, Branding, and Connected Apps

  • Create and manage Extension Keys and API Tokens

  • Manually add Feedback

  • View, Edit, Manage, Share, Delete, and Resolve Feedback

  • View, Add, Edit, Delete, and Resolve Comments

  • View Meta Data, Session Information, and Activity Log

  • Manage Personal Notifications

  • Access to Board, List, Grid, and Inbox Views

  • Access to all Projects within the Workspace

  • Can Assign and be Assigned Feedback

Role: Collaborator

The Collaborator role provides limited access and permission to individuals who need to contribute to the feedback and collaboration process, but may not require full control.

  • Manually add Feedback

  • View, Edit, Manage, share, Delete, and Resolve Feedback

  • View, Add, and Resolve Comments

  • View Meta Data, Session Information, and Activity Log

  • Manage Personal Notifications

  • Access to Board, List, Grid, and Inbox Views

  • Access to projects managed by the Account Owner or Administrator

  • Can Assign and be Assigned Feedback

  • Access can be limited to "Internal Comments Only" for enhanced project security.

Role: Guest

The Guest role offers restricted access for external stakeholders like clients or customers involved in a project or giving feedback. It lets them view feedback in your account without accessing your project or workspace settings.

  • View and track the progress of Feedback

  • View Session Information

  • View, Add, and Resolve comments, excluding internal comments

  • Manage Personal Notifications

  • Access to List and Grid Views

  • Can be assigned Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I resend an invitation to a user?

A: Yes, you can resend an invitation by navigating to the 'Members' section and selecting the option to resend the invitation next to the user's email.

Q: What happens when I deactivate a user?

A: Deactivating a user will restrict their access to the workspace and all its projects. However, their historical data and actions will remain intact. A deactivated user can be reactivated by navigating to the 'Members' section and selecting 'Reactivate' next to the user's name.

Q: What's the difference between deactivating and removing a user?

A: Deactivating a user restricts their access but retains their data. Removing a user permanently deletes them from the workspace, and they would need a new invitation to rejoin.

Q: Can a user change their own role?

A: No, only Account Owners and Administrators have the ability to change user roles.

Q: Can I change the account owner myself?

A: No, the ability to switch account owners is restricted to Userback staff as a security measure. This ensures that only the designated account owner can perform critical actions on the account.

Q: What does "Internal Comments Only" mean?

A: Setting a user to "Internal Comments Only" restricts them from viewing and making comments that are internal to the team, enhancing project security.

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