Native Screenshot

Native Screenshot in Userback offers an advanced alternative for capturing visual feedback, particularly useful in complex technological landscapes or in projects with restrictions on third-party access to resources or pages.

By leveraging the browser's built-in Screen Capture API, this method provides a straightforward way for users to capture a screen, browser window, or window tab.

How do you Enable Native Screenshot?

To activate this feature, you can include one of the following code snippets:

Userback.native_screenshot = true;


Userback.init('widget_access_token', {
     native_screenshot: true

When is Native Screenshot Useful?

  • Complex Web Technologies: Websites or web apps using complex web technologies like HTML Canvas and Animation Libraries where traditional screenshot methods might not capture dynamic elements accurately.
  • Restricted Environments: Projects where third-party scripts are disabled or restricted for security reasons.
  • Highly Customized User Interfaces: Environments with unique DOM structures or heavy use of iframes.

Caveats to Native Screenshot

  • Browser Permission Prompt: When a user attempts to capture a screenshot, they may encounter a browser-level permission prompt, this is out of Userback's control.
  • Mobile Limitations: Native Screenshot is not supported on mobile devices. Server-side rendering will be used instead.
  • Lack of Control: Since this method leverages browser technology, certain features or customizations available in the standard Userback Screenshot Engine may not be possible here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I seeing a browser permission prompt?

This is a browser-level security feature to protect user privacy. It's not something that can be controlled by Userback.

Is it compatible with other Userback features?

Yes, Native Screenshots work well alongside our other features, keeping in mind the aforementioned limitations.


🔐 Plan Availability: Company, Premium and Enterprise

Learn more about plans and upgrading here.